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Thoughts on SSM & SFR, please

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Thoughts on SSM & SFR, please

SSM has continued to fall since you recommended to sell it some time ago. Good call. Possibly the current selling has a bit to do with the fast approaching EOFY. Is this one you would consider buying back into after 1/7/2023? SFR has fallen in line with the drop in copper prices. At what level would you considering averaging? Thanks


Hi Ian,

  1. Service Stream (SSM) 62.5c: We do still have it on our radar and have continued to follow its results.  Their telco division is doing well, however their utilities business is still struggling so at this stage we see no reason to take SSM out of the too hard basket, but that might change.
  2. Sandfire Resources (SFR) $5.51: We added to our position on Friday ~$5.50 but only by 1% to a 4% weighting. We’d view a 5% weighting as our likely endpoint in SFR.
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Sandfire Resources Ltd (SFR)
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