Is it time to take tweak some positions?
Hi James & Team, Enjoying the content, insights & daily updates. I have fortunately weathered the recent market downturn pretty well having been overweight energy & gold & underweight tech (although I have been hurt by PBH). You have been mentioning of late to sell on strength, but I have a few stock specific questions as I am considering some changes to my portfolio positioning . . . WPL - Obviously a beneficiary of oil & gas price strength & a nice increase in dividend plus sadly Russia/Ukraine tension escalation. Ex-dividend, would it be prudent to sell & invest in a tech laggard (ideas below)? Or do you think there is continued upside for WPL with the coming BHP merger & continued dividend growth due to the elevated oil price? Having siad that, I am very conscious the share price will come off if oil drops (similar to Iron Ore last year?). What would your price target be to sell out & say thank you you very much without being greedy? I can't help but notice so many 52 weeks lows in numerous stocks I have had on my watchlist for 12 months. Where would you rate the following to take a position now? XRO - I like this quality scalable company, especially as it now under $100 & approaching pre-covid levels. I think there is upside over the next 12 months, but do you think it could drop below $90 in March with a possible US 50bps hike or is this already getting 'priced in'? TYR - Took a beating the last few days. I have owned following the terminal outage issues & short seller report last year, but exited at higher levels. I almost put an order in this week, but read profitability has been pushed out? Surely undervalued at current levels? I also keep looking at NTO & ZIP! Any price targets for entry points would be much appreciated. With thanks, Bernie