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MM’s opinion of WA1

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MM’s opinion of WA1

Morning Shawn, appreciated the hard work MM put into guiding us in the last few years. What is MM take of WA1.asx ? Any idea of how big the demand for niobium in the near future? Thanks in advance. Ben


Hi Ben,

This WA based $700mn junior miner is a new one to the MM report, its focus is finding sources of metals like niobium as the world follows along its zero emissions goal. Its a very speculative play which has more than doubled on two occasions over the last 6-months while also dropping on 2-occasions between 30 & 40%, not one for the faint hearted.

To be frank, we know very little about this stock or commodity, so we would have to lean on our technical analysis with this stock – accumulate under $12 but we would not be long on another decline under $10.

image description
WA1 Resources Ltd (WA1)
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