International Equities Portfolio
What is the minimum amount for investing in the Internationl Equities PF? Can I sell part of this investment at any time?
Our Q&As are emailed in our Saturday Morning Report, find the answer to this question below.
What is the minimum amount for investing in the Internationl Equities PF? Can I sell part of this investment at any time?
Hi Gregory,
The international equities portfolio is not yet open for investment. We are working to get this onto the MM Invest Platform this year, with minimum investment likely to be $50k. When that happens, it is a liquid portfolio and additions and withdrawals can be made at any time via the platform (directed by the investor). The actual portfolio can be viewed here with a snapshot of performance below.
For those with larger amounts to invest, James and his team via Shaw & Partners do manage direct international equities portfolios aligned with the Market Matters approach, managing amounts of $500,000 or more. [email protected]
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