Your opinion of several stocks
Hi Esteemed Team, A friend of mine is on a kick about only investing in the bluest of blue chip stocks. I suggested Treasury Wine Estates as it is a global force with a superb supply chain. The company has limitless expansion POSSIBILITIES. Moreover, it is predicting significant fully franked dividend growth. He disagrees. What is your opinion on TWE. It occurred to me that Australian banks are highly profitable except when they they try to expand overseas where they actually face COMPETITION. Then they come running home yelping with their tails between their legs. Another Big 4 negative is that retail banking is facing dramatic competition from high tech non banking companies for the retail loan dollar. This , too, may severely impede growth. However, MQG is a SUCCESSFUL international player who generates most of their profits outside the retail sector and their growth potential is unlimited . What is your opinion of MQG as a long term growth stock with a reasonable dividend? Keep up the good work. I have noticed that you are usually right when you recommend a buy. However, you are nearly always right when you recommend a sell. Following your ideas on when to get out has saved me a lot of money. Keep on keeping on. Paul