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US share market & the $US

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US share market & the $US

Hi team Many commentators seem to think the usd will decline if USA interest rates are cut . If this is the case and you own USA company's how does Market Matters hedge your international portfolio against currency loses? Thanks Andrew


Hi Andrew,

We don’t hedge our international exposure. We think investing internationally (unhedged) when combined with domestic portfolios smooths returns over time. For example, when the pandemic hit, international equities were hit hard however so to was the AUD, which cushioned our return to less than half the drawdown of our domestic portfolios.

For those that do want to hedge, consider the AUDS, which is a leveraged long AUD exposure that can be bought on the ASX. Bearing in mind that it will generate a positive return of between 2% and 2.75% for a 1% rise in the value of the Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar on a given day.

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AUDUSD “Aussie” Spot FX
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