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Stocks to lighten as I increase cash

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Stocks to lighten as I increase cash

Hi James, I really appreciate your coverage and the facility for subscribers to pose questions ..its a great support when making difficult decisions. I (perhaps like many) am reviewing some stocks that I might lighten to increase a cash buffer ...I wonder whether you could comment on the following stock prospects. Ramsay (RHC), A2M, Treasury (TWE), Lynas (LYC), Nuix (NXL) - Many Thanks Don


Hi Don,

Lots of questions rolled into one hence brevity:

  • Ramsay Healthcare (RHC) we like this private hospital operator around $70 and have actually been watching carefully over recent months with a view to buying back in.
  • A2 Milk (A2M) endured a tough week but we see good value around $6.25, MM is holding for now.
  • Treasury Wine (TWE) is in no mans land around $11.50 and not one for us into Christmas.
  • Lynas (LYC) still looks destined to break over $8 i.e. another 10% higher.
  • Nuix (NXL) simply remains too hard, it may take a while before this company regains investors confidence.
image description
Ramsay Healthcare (RHC)
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