Stock picks
Portfolio agnostic, if you could only choose on current fundamentals/value: 1) one stock out of HUB or MQG; and 2) one stock out of CNI and GPT, which would you choose?
Our Q&As are emailed in our Saturday Morning Report, find the answer to this question below.
Portfolio agnostic, if you could only choose on current fundamentals/value: 1) one stock out of HUB or MQG; and 2) one stock out of CNI and GPT, which would you choose?
Hi Darren,
There is a lot to balance with this answer with the primary one being risk. Because we provide General Advice Only, we are not taking into consideration any subscribers risk profile. HUB is higher risk than MQG, and CNI is higher risk than GPT (due to their interest rate exposure – GPT is largely hedged).
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