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Thoughts on crypto ETFs EBTC & EETH etc

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Thoughts on crypto ETFs EBTC & EETH etc

Hi Team, I wonder 1) if the above crypto ETF reflects the actual value of the underlying bitcoin & ethereum. 2) How would Market Matters manage their portfolio when there is a high probability of a severe market correction? 3) Any suggestion on how to trade DRO which is such a volatile stock? Thanks & regards, Sidney


Hi Sidney,

  1.  The ETF’s simply rally/fall by the same % as the underlying cryptos e.g. over the last 2-months Bitcoin & its ETF have both appreciated 76-78% bottom to top.
  2. When MM believes there’s  a high probability of a meaningful correction we increase our cash levels significantly and adopt more defensive style positions. NB We will be very clear in our reports of our cautious/bearish stance.
  3. Droneshield (DRO) is indeed a very volatile stock, if MM were trading, which we aren’t, the view would be to accumulate below 60c and reduce into strength above 70c but its almost a “casino style stock”.
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