Hi Adel,
Thanks for the feedback, its certainly been a testing and volatile time in markets. I have updated our views on the 3 stocks you mentioned today, we might even switch between one as interest rates and geopolitical tensions increase market volatility:
APA Group (APA) $8- we still like APA but are not considering adding to our position until such time as yields show definitive signs of topping out – we currently hold APA in our Active Income Portfolio. We do not use specific stop losses, preferring to consider a wider spectrum of inputs to make a call on when to sell, not least, the composition of the broader portfolio and how it is performing in prevailing conditions. For now, the Income Portfolio is performing as it should (i.e. less volatility than the market while producing consistent income.
Goodman Group (GMG) $21.10- no change here, we like GMG into weakness and are considering the stock ~$21.
Lendlease Group (LLC) $6.50- this position is frustrating us, and we are considering switching to the “higher quality” GMG. – we currently hold LLC in our Active Growth Portfolio.