Does MM like Corporate Travel (CTD) here?
Hi guys Your thoughts on corporare travel They just received another large contract and given flight centres recent positive corporate travel results do you think ctd is a good company to buy Thanks Tony
Our Q&As are emailed in our Saturday Morning Report, find the answer to this question below.
Hi guys Your thoughts on corporare travel They just received another large contract and given flight centres recent positive corporate travel results do you think ctd is a good company to buy Thanks Tony
Hi Tony,
Corporate Travel (CTD) has retained the Travel Management Services contracts for the Whole of Australian Government (WoAG) as the sole provider for an initial 4yr term with a further 3yr extension option, which commenced on the 1st of July 23. The new WoAG contract combines both travel management and accommodation contracts.
CTD is our preferred exposure to the Australian Travel and Tourism space especially after its recent -20% pullback. We do think it makes sense though to see their FY results due for release on the 16th August before making a more definitive call.
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