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Gentrack (GTK) $1.84

One on the hitlist for the Emerging Companies portfolio is Gentrack – we discussed this stock in last week’s video update, click here to view. Gentrack is a client information system for utility companies, based in NZ with clients in Australia and the UK as well. Revenue has been held back in recent years, COVID reducing spending from customers was one reason but the trend was weaker before that as well. The low looks to have passed with water, gas & electricity providers putting more emphasis on understanding the trends of their customer base, while we all know about the demand from consumers to understand more about their utilities usage.  GTK are now guiding to 12% revenue growth by FY24 with margins expanding along the way, however the market hasn’t re-rated the outlook at this stage, trading on just 1.5x Enterprise Value/Revenue.

NB: Enterprise value includes the market capitalisation of the company plus any debt minus cash

MM is bullish GTK
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Gentrack (GTK)
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