Membership and portfolios
Does a member have access to the portfolios? What brokerage is charged on portfolio trades? Are there any other fees on portfolios?
Our Q&As are emailed in our Saturday Morning Report, find the answer to this question below.
Does a member have access to the portfolios? What brokerage is charged on portfolio trades? Are there any other fees on portfolios?
Hi James,
Good questions – thanks for raising them. Members have access to all portfolios, and they get alerts when we transact across each one by email or text. We are independent of brokers, and do not transact any trades on your behalf. We do however make it easy for you to link your preferred online broker to our website, so when you hit the Trade Now button around the portfolios, this will bring up your broking account.
However, if you choose to invest money in one of our funds via Market Matters Invest, there is an annual portfolio fee charged of 0.85% incl GST of the average amount invested, however zero brokerage is charged on any trades. We also apply discounts for amounts over 500k. On 100k, this is $850pa, inclusive of all portfolio management, all administration, and all trading related expenses. There are no hidden fees here!
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